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Alex Harper potae ki runga, ano he kotiro ki te tiki i to koutou fantasy haere

48 042

Koe noa i te AROHA ki te kotiro fetish kia nui e kore e taea e koe te mutu i te titiro i to koutou ake kotiro o te kaihe, te ara tika i roto i te mua o koutou te wahine, Alex Harper! Te meka e kore e ia e te ngakau, e whakaatu ana i te tika me pēhea te waimarie e koe ki te whai i a ia, me te meka e kore e tahuri te reira ia ia ki runga, me te faauruhia ia ki te taka ake ka rite ki to koutou ake painga kotiro, me te mamingatia koutou e whakaatu ana te kia tika koutou, kia te luckiest HOTUHOTU, i runga i te Whenua! Na hoatu ana e koutou te wahine wera te pai fucks' ia te tika; ko wai e matau ana, ki te kei a koe anō te pai ki a ia, pea te wā i muri mai ia, ka ani i to outou mau pononga i roto i mo te threesome!

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